Keep your buyers engaged with the newest and most relevant listings.
You can benefit significantly by making sure to bring your prospective buyers to your website so they can start setting up searches. By utilizing our email campaign feature you can send out communication regarding your site and setting up an account so they can browse on their own. More on email campaign here.
Send new properties that have come to the market recently and meet the buying criteria of buyers by creating property alerts within ZipperAgent CRM on their behalf or the buyer can create them straight from your site on their own.
This is one of many ways to keep prospective buyers engaged all by automatically sending new alerts at regular intervals of properties that fit their search criteria.
From your Website when a prospective buyer clicks on a property, they will either be asked to create an account or log into their account on your website. All of their search behavior and information will then transfer over to the CRM.
When creating an account on your website, the prospective buyer can set the frequency of property alerts depending on how few or many alerts they want to receive. These actions synchronize with the CRM. Buyers who are thinking of making a purchase soon would typically want more frequent alerts. The user can also schedule when property alerts should go out.
The property alert will be branded based on the information within the profile section of ZipperAgent CRM. More on how to set up your profile here. This gives a more personal touch to the marketing effort and keeps the agent top-of-mind for the buyer.
Below is an example of the property alert email buyers will receive.
To view the Property Alert information within the system, log into your ZipperAgent CRM. Choose contacts from the menu and click the name of the contact you would like to see property search information for.
Look for the buyer search on the right hand side and click buyer search
A window will open and you will see the property search information.
To change or add more search criteria click on the Search Preferences tab.
After clicking Edit you will see more options that you can add/edit related the buyers search criteria.
To edit the interval in which a buyer receives the alerts choose Property Alert and in the drop down select the interval, then hit save.
To add a secondary search go back to the contact details screen and click the (+) to add another search.
To add a new search where none exits click the (+) to add, the initial screen will pop up select buyer or rental search.
Once you select the search type the quick add menu will appear for you to complete.
Follow the above steps to edit the search after you have created.